Oil Water Separator 1

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Oil Water Separator 1

Introducing the Highest Quality Products made with Donghae Industrial's Technology.
  • Principles of the system

    Oil water separation follows Stokes Laws that is based on the flows of mixtures according to the differences of certain buoyancy (gravity) and EPS oil water separator is applied with Stokes Law in the most effective way.

    Oil water mixtures in the sqaure shaped tank have passed among various EPS Pack Plates that are piled in a horizontal way at a certain interval. Oil drips and sludge have a regular current, oil floats by buoyancy while sludge is sunk down by specific gravity.

    After being collected to the upper corrugated groove with egg shape, Oil has been floated on the water surface through the oil hole while sludge being together to the low corrugated groove has fallen down to the sediment area. As a result, it takes less a hundred times to float by means of a lot of horizontal partitions: the floating time and sediment time depend on the size and viscosity of oil drip as well as the size and viscosity of sludge and by the process, interval and numbers of

Feature of oil water separation

  • 1) Permanent period
    EPS Pack and other internal parts are fixed without any corrections and a driving part. As a result, the system can be used permanently.
  • 2) Non-motorized separation
    It can divide effectively by means of thousands of partition regardless of motor.
  • 3) High treatment efficiency
    It can improve 30~60% more than the existing CPI, CPS TYPE.
  • 4) A wide range of removing
    It can remove oil up to 99% by being attached the pretreatment tank.
  • 5) Various treating devices
    There are various kinds of equipment enabling treating lots of kinds of oil and sludge.
  • 6) No need of managers
    It is operated by continuous separation method by natural pressure, everybody can handle that there is no need of any manager.
  • 7) Simple maintenance
    As EPS Pack won’t be blocked, it can be used for a long time.
  • 8) Easy cleaning device
    Cleaning Pack and Sludge can be cleaned by operating a sludge remover after being operated for 6000 hrs in general. It may be differentiated according to the degrees.
  • 9) Reduction of the cost of waste oil disposal
    The oil re-separator, it reduces the cost in treating waste oil because water is contained less in the waste oil.
  • 10) Re-use of the separated oil
    The separated oil can be used again according to the circumstances.
  • 11) Keeping clearness inside of oil water separator
    Oil won’t be piled inside oil water separator. Oil is not corrupted or smells badly that you don’t have to discharge the waste oil very often.
  • 12) Check over the separating procedure
    The upper part is designed with a cover that you can check it over the flows of water and separating process at all times.
ADDRESS : 24, Gueogongdan 1-gil, Oedong-eup, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
TEL : +82-52-268-4480, 4428FAX : +82-52-268-4418E-MAIL : eps20001@hanmail.net